Hi, we are less than 48 hours from the end of our project: The Lost Corridors CastleLock... and we have had a great time.But things are going fast and it's true that we haven't had time to see the days go by.Some of you no doubt too, and quite a few subscribers who signed up for the pre-launch.That's why we're coming back to you, two days before project funding closes, to let you know that we've added information about additions and bonuses to our new collection to the project page.CastleLock is now a rich and diversified extension, both complementary to our first set of 3d decors to print but also perfectly usable alone for your games with figurines and tabletop role-playing games.We hope you enjoy these improvements.So, we dare to ask you again to make noise like Trolls, warn the Gnomes and tell all the sprites around you.Another big thank you to the participants who have supported us so far and don't forget:the adventure continues until the morning of Monday January 31st.http://kck.st/3qIXFvX