Of course you are shilling. Consumer 3d printing grew up and continues to advance through open-source ideas and collaborations. If MakerBot decided to change thingiverse to a pay model then other open-source sites will open and quickly make it irrelevant. Indeed, Thingiverse and Makerbot itself would have never evolved if not for their open source roots. The models on Thingiverse are not about the designers, they are about people sharing their thoughts and ideas with others. The beauty of the model is that we are free to improve, adapt and further share those ideas with the community. It isn't, and was never, about taking credit. Take a look at Makerbot today. They haven't had an original idea since they went closed source and have contributed almost nothing to the field. The reality is they had very few original ideas to begin with. The open-source community freely offered up all they had to help develop a great printer and Makerbot took advantage. They almost had a full scale exodus on Thingiverse when it happened. There was an almost immediate attempt by Makerbot to control the designs and they had to backpedal to keep the site intact.