Thanks again for the feedback.

You are right the reality is the majority of the reviews are generally by folks with little to no experience, but as you eluded there are some who do know what they are doing and have had a pretty bad experience.

Good to know the prusa has a flat bed, I believe the mini+ from what I read is 32 bit. I believe the mk3+ is still 8-bit so you are right they have not made many changes.

I'm going to look at the reviews again for the one you recommended, just want to avoid a situation where its a major headache and i spend more time tinkering then being able to print.

My thought was with the 0.25 it would just make the model smoother, this would be for printing a fuselage or wings. I don't know how well it would even work but figured it is worth a try. In general i plan to use the standard 0.40

Resin is really not an option due to family and pets and kids etc. I'll have to do with FDM for now although I agree it probably has more details.

I plan to also offer free wheel chair and prosthetics for owners with pets who can't afford it for free so the model you recommended being able to do dual prints is attractive if those issues reported in the bad reviews don't manifest themselves. Seems like I need to keep doing research and reading