Quote Originally Posted by DrLuigi View Post
Student 0
Technician 50
Technologist 100
Engineer-in-Training 200
Engineer 400
Staff Engineer 800
Senior Engineer 1500
Principal Engineer 2500
Chief Engineer 4500

Small example.
I know the last ones are quiet alot, But thats the point right? ^^ it has to be rare and for the older members. :P


Just seen that you did it a little faster then me,

Well i just think a rank shouldnt change every 3 weeks of posting. :P
Example at that rate i would already be half way, and the forum is just a month old.

With my example we would be sweet for a year or 1-2 depends on the members :P
You're right, I was just going on how large the community is now. I forgot about the fact that the member count is going up fast.

Quote Originally Posted by Eddie View Post
I kinda agree with Dr. Luigi. What do you guys think?
I do think they should be higher than what I had, but this discussion is here for a reason. Let's get like one or two more opinions/suggestions.