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  1. #1

    How do I draw this in 3d?

    Hi all, I'm a noob when it comes to 3D printing. I'm a mechanic and I want to design some very specific tools to make certain jobs easier and more consistent. We have a 3d printer at work and I want to start designing my own little contraptions so they do exactly what I want. The people responsible for the 3D printer aren't very experienced and I basically want to show up with a Usb-stick asking "could you just print this file for me?". Nothing fancy at all, just really basic parts. At the moment I'm trying to create a guide to help me cut plastic glue tips to a certain shape. I have done some 3d drawing in Sketchup in the past, but nothing overly complicated. I've also tried Tinkercad, Freecad and Fusion 360 but I just can't figure out how to create the object I have in my head.

    In the pictures you can see the original part, the second picture is similar to the wanted result.

    I want to create some sort of sleeve where I can insert the uncut glue tip, which is basically a cone. I want to have a guide to make the V-shaped cut. I need a surface to lay my knife against and make a controlled cut, holding the knife at a 45° angle.So far I managed to draw the original tip in 3D but I can't find out how to create the surfaces at the 45° angle onto the conical shape at the exact position I need. I'm pretty stuck at the moment and in need of some input from people who are better at this

    Any ideas on how I should approach this design? Thanks for the help.
    Attached Images Attached Images

  2. #2
    hey, send me what you have and ill complete it

  3. #3
    Thanks for the offer. I can't find out how to share my file with you. I'm using the personal version of Fusion 360.

  4. #4
    Export it as an archive file. I think it's the top option. Save it locally then send me the file in a message bud.

  5. #5
    see attached bud
    Attached Images Attached Images

  6. #6
    Super Moderator curious aardvark's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    Have you tried openscad ?
    your part would take about 3 minutes and 4 lines to design.

    Plus you could make it parametric.

    For practical things openscad is probably the best and easiest to use.

    You don't draw anything you just tell the program what you want and it does it for you.
    With the added bonus that it only makes solid models that are suitable for 3d printing.

    Does the v-cut in the tip go all the way through the tip, or is it just on the one side ?
    The pictures really don't make it clear.
    sketch-up - not so much :-)

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by dexyweescot View Post
    Export it as an archive file. I think it's the top option. Save it locally then send me the file in a message bud.
    Thanks for the tip, so far no problems. However I haven't found out yet how to send you the file. I don't know if it's possible on this forum.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by curious aardvark View Post
    Have you tried openscad ?
    your part would take about 3 minutes and 4 lines to design.

    Plus you could make it parametric.

    For practical things openscad is probably the best and easiest to use.

    You don't draw anything you just tell the program what you want and it does it for you.
    With the added bonus that it only makes solid models that are suitable for 3d printing.

    Does the v-cut in the tip go all the way through the tip, or is it just on the one side ?
    The pictures really don't make it clear.
    sketch-up - not so much :-)
    Thanks for the tip. I haven't tried openscad yet, I'll look into that.
    I'll post some pictures of the desired end result to clear things up.

  9. #9
    Could simply upload to your cloud and send a link..

  10. #10
    nozzle.jpgHows about that mate? That is an inner opening of 6mm with a 2mm wall. The V is then 6mm wide by 10mm long to the tip.
    Last edited by dexyweescot; 08-27-2021 at 07:52 AM.

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