Quote Originally Posted by lycan View Post
Gday All,

I have got it running in as much as bed levelled, extrudes filament etc etc yet have absolutely no idea what settings I have to change when I import a file into Pronterface, mainly where do I set speeds etc etc for using ABS.

Any detailed help would be excellent as not far off booking ticket to China for some one on one communication clarification if this continues

Thanks for any help

sorry can't help you on that one mate, I have never used either.

I get everything done from Replicator G or Makerware, there is little difference between the two besides interface, they both do effectively a similar job at slicing and printing all within the same package, they use skienforge underneath the hood, but its all done automatically for you.

My best advice is to download Blender, its free and can import and export STL files natively, but you can also load .OBJ files to print