My SD card gets buggy also,.. works,.. and doesn't work.., so yes,.. In agreement with Geoff, using the PC here for printing lately (make sure you set your Windows control panel "Power Options" to never shut down after X hours, nothing worse than having it shut down 15 minutes just before finishing a 6 hour build).
Ordered an SD card extension cable from DX, SKU: 218278 we'll see how that goes.. not much hope in that, but whatever.... It's a really BAD location for the SD card on the FFCx!
I concur with Geoff, the temp/speed plastic makes a difference (journal your successes)..just got new white ABS and it's different than the stuff that was shipped with the FF.
For no-raft, I always CLEAN the bed, add the infamous "bed glue", preheat the bed, then do the "level build plate",... but building with a raft, meh..the raft kinda makes up for my laziness.
Listen to Geoff! { I owe him a beer or 8 }
