
Unfortunately what you described is a little vague and without knowing whose base configuration.h file you used as a template, it’s impossible for me to troubleshoot

However based on what you stated, is it possible that it’s your slicer?

Your slicer produces the majority of the g-code that the printer uses to print the model you’re making. However at the start and end of the file, it also puts in various lines of code to do house keeping stuff. Some of these code might say probe the bed, load the bed mesh, produce a wipe line to clean the nozzle before the print, and move the nozzle a safe distance away after print. What you described about probing the middle, suggest that the printer was homing itself to figure out what the z offset was. In this way it can get the “right” height for a good initial layer adhesion to the bed.

Now if what you’re saying is you want the system to probe the bed before each print, there are g-code you can enter into your slicer to tell it to do that. But that also involves you setting up which method of bed probing you want, bilinear vs UBL.

I certainly understand some of your frustration. Commands can come in from the slicer or the firmware (or even both), so trying to figure out where it’s coming from can be a daunting task without experience. I will say this thought…if it works…and it ain’t broken…don’t fix it.