Quote Originally Posted by Martin_au View Post
Visual Studio is the IDE/compiler. it's used for all sorts of things, but one thing it's well set up for it compiling Marlin.

If you haven't compiled Marlin before I wouldn't start with this modification. I'd start with just poking around the code and getting a feel for it. Usually with marlin (default version), is that there's a configuration.h and configuration_adv.h file with most of the important editable parameters.

This was more an example that dual leadscrews don't have to be a pain. They can be a benefit.
Thanks, and I agree, for now, I just want to see if I can get it working as is before starting to make dramatic changes like going ot Marlin.

Right now, it's more a matter that I have a pretty good idea what needs to be changed to enable the 3D Touch (I looked in the config file and all of the parameters that need to be set for autoleveling are turned off), so I just need to figure out how to do that. I think the steps are (1) edit the config file, (2) compile it, and (3) copy the bin file to an SD card, stick it in the printer, and turn it on.

So, I need to figure out the best way to get (1) and (2) done. It seems like among the choices are (maybe) (1) Visual Studio, (2) Pronterface, and (3) something called RepetierHost which is some software that came on the SD card that came with the printer. I've been looking around for more Youtube videos that might explain how to edit and compile the Robin Nano firmware. The Youtube video from Aurora Tech goes through those steps, I think, so I'm going to review that first. There are plenty of Marlin videos around, it seems, but not too much on this one.

