2. Lubricant: I suggest a spray-on silicone type of lubricant. As long as the lubricant dries so it is not sticky, it should be OK. Going against this suggestion, I dabbed some wheel bearing grease on the extruder gears, just to make sure that they stayed lubricated. I've had no problems.

4. Aluminium Heat bed. Nah - the heated bed actually stands off the wooden Y-axis platform, so getting an aluminium one is a waste of time and money. The cork tile stuck to the underside of the heated bed is the way to go. I also put some aluminium kitchen foil beterrn the upper side of the heated bed and the print glass. The other trick is to install a 5Amp auto horn relay between the power supply and the heated bed. The switching circuit for the relay is the D8 connection on the RAMPS board.

5 Extruder: The ABS printed extruder works well. Don't forget to fit a small fan to blow on the extruder. One of the first prints you should do is to print out the components of the Greg's Extruder, just in case.

Painting: Colour is your own choice. I suggest using a can of spray paint, and painting things before assembly. That way you don't get overspray on rods and motors. Painting before assembly will only increase your build time by an hour or so. If you are smart, you will spray everything just before you go to bed, and then things will be ready to go when you wake up.

Tape: The tape is called Kapon Tape. It is used on the hot end just to keep the thermistor in its hole. The hot end will still burn you, so DON'T TOUCH!

Old Man Emu