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  1. #1

    Midway through print layers not adhering

    Not quite sure what setting this could be associated with so I'm gonna query you guys!After at least 100 hours fighting with level issues I finally got it fine tuned I think, so I moved onto trying to print a project and all went really well until ~6 hours into the print and I started having issues. I stopped the print early and you can see where my issues started. Thanks for the help!
    Attached Images Attached Images

  2. #2
    Some information that might help;

    Layer Height: 0.2mm
    Infill: 15%
    Print Speed: 30mm
    Print Temp: 240 (Using PETG)
    Build Plate Temp: 85

    I did not print with cooling.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2021
    Extruder fan running?
    I doubt it's heat related, given the timeframes involved. Partial clog perhaps. Maybe try a few cold pulls and see if that sorts it.

  4. #4
    Staff Engineer Roberts_Clif's Avatar
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    Please Post image from top downward

  5. #5
    Super Moderator curious aardvark's Avatar
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    Jul 2014
    what printer is it ?
    And were you around when it started this, and if so did you hear any clicking ?

  6. #6
    Little update;

    I think the issue has to be the STL in some way.

    Little history.... I've been battling this printer from day one but what I think I am doing is coming at it the wrong way. To me, I always looked at a 3D printer like "one size fits all" once you dial in all your settings, level it ect. you just slice and print whatever you want.

    Printer: QiDi X-Pro
    Slicer: Simplify3D
    Filament: Overture PETG
    Extruder Temp: 240
    Bed (Original): Used the specialized ply-able Aluminum plate that comes with the printer (The attached pictures were used with that)
    ** Manufacturer sent a new build plate as well, the one with the little magnets ect on it. This fixed a lot of issues before I also switched to the glass bed. Further details below.
    Bed (New): Borosilicate Glass Bed
    Bed Temp: 75

    So I've been able to print the Benchy Boat really well, but some things I try and print (This insignia) and a few other things, like a chip clip I tried it can never get beyond X point on the print before I start having stringing and or bad adhesion. So initially I was thinking I had something going on with my Z-Axis or something akin to "X Height" because it always seemed to start failing at a certain point. But that didn't quite make sense because the Boat could finish and things like, a temp tower would print just fine, so if I had an issue on my Z-Axis it would be a wide spread problem.

    ** So after switching to the glass bed, I fixed MOST of my issues, before I would get some pretty inconsistent prints and I had to level the bed EXTREMLY finely. I mean, I was sticking 1x1 squares of paper under the bed plate in 5-6 places to level it properly. We found the bed was warped, so we swapped that + moved to the glass bed and now I haven't had any issues really in leveling.

    So I guess what I am asking now is... how often is it you would change something according to what you are trying to print? Other than support features?

  7. #7
    Update 2.0 ...

    So I guess I was mistaken in thinking my designed part would print well everytime. I printed this previously, without an issue, but tried a second time and this was the result. Now one odd thing is, the two side images, are 180 sides of the build.

    IE: Why would one side (Call it the front) be so separated, but on the backside it is not nearly as much?




  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2021
    Two things to do. Check the PTFE tube inside the nozzle. It may be getting cooked and worn out. Then check that the extruder fan is running (at full speed) while printing. I didn't think this was heat creep given the timeframes, but now I'm leaning back towards that as the likely cause.

  9. #9
    Staff Engineer Roberts_Clif's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Martin_au View Post
    Two things to do. Check the PTFE tube inside the nozzle. It may be getting cooked and worn out. Then check that the extruder fan is running (at full speed) while printing. I didn't think this was heat creep given the timeframes, but now I'm leaning back towards that as the likely cause.

    This is nearly exactly what happened to my 3D Prints though the clog was because of a throat with a PTFE liner slid into to nozzle Note the nozzle in the Image on right. you will see the PTFE tubing inside the Nozzles. The nozzles are setting inside a lead screw nut only for the picture.

    Nozzle & Throat.jpg

    After Replacing both the Throat and nozzle the 3D Printer now print correctly.

  10. #10
    I will look into this. Thank you, I have had to replace my PTFE/nozzle due to clogging issues of the PTFE tube but I thought that was because something with the Z-Axis (being too close at some point and stopping the filament from coming out) or something akin to that. I’ll be honest I don’t know a whole lot about the inner workings of these machines, but from that image it doesn’t look like anything I’ve come across when I’ve had to dismantle the extruder / nozzle assembly to replace the PTFE tube / clean out the nozzle.

    Will look into this further when I’m home tonight.

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