Little update;

I think the issue has to be the STL in some way.

Little history.... I've been battling this printer from day one but what I think I am doing is coming at it the wrong way. To me, I always looked at a 3D printer like "one size fits all" once you dial in all your settings, level it ect. you just slice and print whatever you want.

Printer: QiDi X-Pro
Slicer: Simplify3D
Filament: Overture PETG
Extruder Temp: 240
Bed (Original): Used the specialized ply-able Aluminum plate that comes with the printer (The attached pictures were used with that)
** Manufacturer sent a new build plate as well, the one with the little magnets ect on it. This fixed a lot of issues before I also switched to the glass bed. Further details below.
Bed (New): Borosilicate Glass Bed
Bed Temp: 75

So I've been able to print the Benchy Boat really well, but some things I try and print (This insignia) and a few other things, like a chip clip I tried it can never get beyond X point on the print before I start having stringing and or bad adhesion. So initially I was thinking I had something going on with my Z-Axis or something akin to "X Height" because it always seemed to start failing at a certain point. But that didn't quite make sense because the Boat could finish and things like, a temp tower would print just fine, so if I had an issue on my Z-Axis it would be a wide spread problem.

** So after switching to the glass bed, I fixed MOST of my issues, before I would get some pretty inconsistent prints and I had to level the bed EXTREMLY finely. I mean, I was sticking 1x1 squares of paper under the bed plate in 5-6 places to level it properly. We found the bed was warped, so we swapped that + moved to the glass bed and now I haven't had any issues really in leveling.

So I guess what I am asking now is... how often is it you would change something according to what you are trying to print? Other than support features?