You don't print the head/cat in bronze.

You either print it in pla or wax and use a traditional 'lost wax' method to do the bronze casting.

The other approach would be to sculpt the head in wax and use the same casting method.

You can print a cat's head in a plastic that looks like bronze.
You can even prinjt it in a material that has a lot of bronze powder in it.
That takes a lot of post processing (well elbow grease anyway)- but you can get models to look like bronze.
Becazuse the bronze is just being used as a texturising and colouring agent - the print itself is very soft and not perticularly strong.
But it can look a lot like bronze.

So that side of things is the easy bit.

Getting a 3d model from a group of random images - all different sizes and exposures - that's not going to be easy.
There might be something new out there that could do it - but if so I've yet to hear of it.

You're best bet would probably be a local sculptor who's used to doing animals from photos.