Quote Originally Posted by curious aardvark View Post
3d wox - try that. can't find a link to anything off the stanley website.
Right, I had to download a set of add-on files to cura for the 3DWOX. I pulled a random model off thingiverse and sliced it, and then sent it to the printer. it complained about not in Stanley format, but built a perfect part!
Apparently when they discontinue a product - they immediately forget about all the people who already own one.
Not good.
Well, they did issue a firrmware update to allow you to use Sindoh carts, I don't know if that has already been installed. Hopefully I can get it from somebody if I need it.
Can't find any links to download stanley 3d.exe.
the software that came with it. But odds are it's just a rebadged version of the sindoh 3d wox.
Yes, it is.
well the good news is that the 3d wox program saves sliced models in g-code.
so you can use pretty much any slicer.
Thought maybe with the locked in filament that they'd use a propriatary file format as well.
But no :-)
Well, I tried some using a prusa gcode file, and it barfed on that. Likey some differences in extruder and temp commands.

