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  1. #2
    Super Moderator curious aardvark's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    The electronics - stepper motor drivers are the heaviest worked component in a 3d printer.
    And the bit that's most likely to die.
    The actual motors themselves will most likely outlast you. Incredibly robust little devices.

    But over 8 years and 6 printers I've had NO failures due to wear and tear.

    The belts aren't under any real strain, they should be lightly tensioned, but nothing that will stress them.

    As long as you keep the rods clean and very lightly lubricated. There should not be mechanical wear and tear.

    I change brass nozzles about every 2 or 3 years - whether they need it or not :-)
    Depending on what type of filament you use that might vary.
    Anything with crabon fibres in will chew the nozzle up min a few months.
    But normal pla pretty much won't do anything to it.

    Generally 3d printers are exceptionally reliable beasts.

    And the ender 5 is based on a pretty solid cartesian design.
    They didn't do anything 'clever' with it. so it's a pretty basic and solid design.

    Check frame bolts are tight every 6 months or so and keep the rods clean and slippy.
    That's it really.

    A second printer would make sense purely from the angle that it sounds like you actually NEED a second printer :-)
    And if you're happy with the ender 5 - it makes sense to get another.
    No learning curve and the odds of both dying at the same time are pretty unlikely.
    Also get one now while they are still pretty cheap :-)

    In the next 6-12 months all devices that contain electgronics are going to increase exponentially in price as parts and stock run out.
    There is a world semi-cinductor shortage, and it's going to hit all aspects of soceity in the near future.

    So what sort of sculptures are you making ?
    Last edited by curious aardvark; 05-17-2021 at 07:28 AM.

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