Quote Originally Posted by AutoWiz View Post
But I can still adjust my babysteps directly as Martin said. I just now have another layer I can do that with. The slicer software is a necessary evil. We have to use it. And that feature is there. To say you don't like or want to use it is weird because you will have to use a slicer to get to each and every print. And that slicer can never be universal to many printers. It must always be custom taylored in it's setting for your specific printer.
A couple of reasons why I don't like it. First reason you could almost call "aesthetic", but I generally don't like having two parameters for one adjustment. The other reason is far more relevant. The Z-Offset applies the correction across the entire G-code (at least in PrusaSlicer. Not sure about other slicers). Because my machines are broadly similar (very different mechanicals, but similar extruder/hotend), I can and often do use the same Gcode across printers. Worst case my be I need to change a small part of the start Gcode. Third reason is pretty minor and uncommon but in the event I need to rescue a print by restarting it at the right height, then it's much simpler to get the right layer if the 'bed to completed layer' distance matches the gcode.
Quote Originally Posted by AutoWiz View Post
So then it shouldn't bother you to add this feature in your slicer. It is a positive offset we are dealing with so there is never a chance this could lead to the touchy touchy between the nozzle and bed. In fact this method protects against just that.
Doesn't it only protect against that if you have some hard-stops in place? If you set an incorrect value in the slicer couldn't it still hit the bed (assuming no hard stops)?