Gambo--nice to hear from you!I am happy to hear about your upgrade and it will be interesting to learn some statistics on it.I sent a device to a professional printer recently and for $25, when it arrives, I am interested in how much better they can do than I did.A friend mentioned that sending parts out, he always gets much better looking parts. I wonder what the magic is?1) more resolution?2) different plastic?3) post finishing?Sadly the vendor I use doesn't specify.What is the resolution on your Sapphire pro2? I note some really expensive printers ($3000-$4000 US) claim resolutions of 50 and even 20 microns.Can't imagine how long the prints take.I will send you my f3d -sounds like fun and thanks!I have a sticky problem I am looking at right now. I want to print some integrating spheres. (I have used aluminum bowls but some are not quite round!)The problem with printing of course, is that the interior has to be very smooth. Obviously sanding and thick layers of primer like those that you have mentioned are key.But the print times on a large sphere (150mm) are daunting. About 25 hours for a half-sphere, 5mm thick, with 0.1mm resolution.So-I am still thinking this one over-clearly I can send them out once I see the cost. Looking back, I have never machined a half sphere on the lathe-sounds like a CNC job!I will send the f3d separately-cheersFritz