It is clear I am among my betters and enjoying every minute! Martin, please forgive my questioning but here is an area of continuing confusion for me. When I go to the official Creality forum you cited, it opens with the item "Ender 3 Pro (V4 mainboard) Marlin201 - V0.0.5 (Default Firmware)" dated 19 Sep, 2020 being HIGH-LIGHTED, while just above it dated 20 Aug, 2020 is "Ender 3 Pro-4.2.7-TMC2225 Marlin 2.0.1-V1.0.1". Further, at the www. site is listed "Ender-3 Pro 4.2.7 mainboard firmware (32bit) .zip". Which one do you think I should use? In different places I have read that versions are often the same, or very similar, and that more than one may work. For some one floundering as I am, this constitutes fatal overload! Hope you can understand my situation. I am now checking the wiring and connections again and once I receive your further advice, I'll re-flash.
Aardvark, I have re-discovered the adage that you are never to old to (re)-learn! Also, I just experienced the renowned British quick wit, sharp barbed and mastery of the language! What I re-discovered was 2 sins never to make--talk politics and offer un-invited opinion. Game, set, match. Touche! As with most blundering fools, I meant no harm or offense. Here in the states a growing majority are recognizing that our country and freedoms are under assault on so many fronts, freedom of speech, right to bear arms, religion, immigration abuse, history rewriting, double-standards, ad nauseum. Our current Socialist leaders are actively and aggressively undoing all the good practices and policies we believe Trump was on-target with, including abridging of the Constitution, buffoon though he may have been with elements of his personality. I fully respect your opinions and feelings and wish our beloved cousins in Great Britain the very best in all endeavors. And I especially appreciated your help and further interest!