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Thread: OpenSCAD flaw?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2021

    OpenSCAD flaw?

    While trying to understand a mistake in a recent print I've just realised one likely cause. I'd been assuming that after changing parameters (such as length, width, etc) in the Customizer panel of OpenSCAD (and previewing and rendering), that the code would also change too. But that's clearly not the case on closer study.

    Which explains why I was dismayed to find, the day after using File > Save, that I had lost my previous edits.

    That seems a very basic design flaw to me? But as a beginner with both 3D printing and OpenSCAD I'm curious to know what others think please?

    My tentative conclusion is that despite the simplicity of using the Customizer, I'll make all my changes in the code in future.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2021
    See resultant conclusions following my cross-post to the openscad sub-forum in reddit:

  3. #3
    Super Moderator curious aardvark's Avatar
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    Jul 2014
    thought the customiser bit was just to make scripts that thingiverse liked.

    So is it actually useful ?
    While I do post stl's on thingiverse I never post scripts. So thought I had no use for the 'customiser'.
    have to admit i have not looked at it.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2021
    CA: I’m not sure why thingiverse is relevant here, given that my post was about OpenScad’s Customizer?I had a few failures with the thingiverse Customizer and I read that for various past periods it was inoperative anyway, which didn’t inspire confidence. But I do find the tool handy in OpenSCAD. For example I quickly changed half a dozen parameters with it before exporting the STL. But if I continue then I need to watch out for the gotcha I described!

  5. #5
    Super Moderator curious aardvark's Avatar
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    Jul 2014
    it's relevant because I had no idea that 'customiser' was anything but a tool to lay out a script and make it more friendly to the thingiverse front end.

    I guess I'll have to look at 'the manual' and find out what it actually does :-)

    I've never used it, It clearly isn't what i thought it was, so no clue what it does :-)

    (has quick play)

    Ah - so it just gathers and lists any variables you've set in a script.
    Not much use in a short short script, but in a long script with a lot of modules - yeah I can see it having some utility.

    I wish they'd spent their time on creating a 'curve/bend' command - but hey, beggars can't be choosers :-)

    (short while later)
    hey it picks up fonts as well - now that is useful !

    And you can save sets of preset parameters. Now that's also going to be really useful.
    particularly with some of the parametric scripts i use regularly.

    I like it :-)

    Well thanks guys for making me look at it.
    Definitely bebusing it in future.

    So you reckon it doesn;t always work ?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2021
    "So you reckon it doesn;t always work ?"

    Do you mean OpenScad Customizer?
    If so:
    That works consistently for me, but has the limitation I described in my opening post.


    Or do you mean thingiverse Customizer?

    If so:
    1. I only tried it 3-4 times but had erratic behaviour (which could well have been my error as a rookie!). Haven't tried since. Would be interested in feedback from you or others if you try it. And perhaps it would be a way of avoiding the file saving issue, by returning to thingiverse to make a succession of edits.

    2. As I said, I read quite a few posts that it had periods of being inacessibel/unusable. For example, google
    'thingiverse customizer not working 2020'

  7. #7
    Super Moderator curious aardvark's Avatar
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    Jul 2014
    you're really not reading my posts.

    I explained the thingiverse confusion, fairly comprehensively - several times.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2021
    We must have our lines crossed somewhere. Could you try it one more time then, as you’ve lost me!

    Earlier you said you’d never used ‘it’. By which, given the context, I assumed you meant the Customizer feature in OpenSCAD. Then in your later post you said "So you reckon it doesn't always work ?".

    I then wanted to discover which one you meant. An important distinction IMO, as although they are apparently intended to be equivalents, as you say, one works reliably and the other has a problematic history.

    What is it I’ve not read or understood?
    Last edited by terrypin; 04-13-2021 at 08:55 AM.

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