Ok, thankyou curious_ardvark, im not going to lie, im a little worried your choices would be throwing me in at the deep end to get these machines up and running, my only experience of 3d printing to date is Anycubics MONOX which i bought and subsequently had to figure out the issues with it to make it work, in a nutshell, power cycle after EVERY print or it will crash mid print usually with the UV light stuck ON, i had to flatten the BP because it wasnt at all flat, add coke can shims to prevent BP from shifting on the mount during print that was causing horizontal lines in my prints & other stuff .....it now prints flawlessly and ive had no fails since but it wasnt the greatest experience after spending £600 on what is essentially a simple machine with 1 moving part. i watched videos of tear downs on some of the cheaper machines, i think it was creality printers & to me they just looked like the parts were 'stretched out' too thin to get the large size print beds the upgraded caribou prusa thing looks solid, has branded parts so presumably tighter tolerances and longer lifespan over that of a prusa original which from youtube looked like it produced better prints then other brand printers & i'll admit the creality mill looks cool im certainly going to look @ that one again when its been out for a whileALSO i didnt look into whats needed to print the more specialist filaments, im happy to make an extracter for fumes but i think i'll pass on anything that needs a heated chamber