If you'd like to play along at home.
This is the box set I'll be printing and curing next.

It's a square box and a cylindrical box.

// square and cyclindrical box


bh=50; // box height
bd=30; // box diameter - length of side
wt=2; // wall thickness

cylinder(d=bd, h=bh);
translate([0,0,wt])cylinder(d=bd-2*wt, h=bh);
} // end diff

cube([bd,bd,bh], center=true);
} // end diff
paste that into openscad and hit f6 on your keyboard.

I'm going with 30x30x50 and a 2mm wall thickness.
The script generates one of each.

You need to print 2 of each.

I'm going with bq black pla at 205c, 150mm/s speed, 0.4mm nozzle and 0.3mm layer height.
4 base layers and 3 top layers with 3 shells. That gives me a completely solid print with no infill.
I'm really curious to see if the uncured parts are watertight. I mean, technically they should be. But totally watertight 2mm printed walls are fairly rare.
I'll be printing all four boxes at the same time.

That will actually make the likelyhood of the uncured print being watertight pretty unlikely and also really test the precision of the printer.

This is why you never need to print a benchy. Just about every relevant print quality setting can be seen in any multi object print.

I've gone with a cylinder and cube here to see if there's any uneven shrinkage of the material during curing.
The cylinders particularly will show that.

Also curious to see how accurate the sizes of each model will be.

okay that's the setup.

watch this space .... :-)