Quote Originally Posted by AutoWiz View Post
Spoken like a true enthusiast. On your way into this hobby you should spend some time considering and then understanding why all of these printers come unassembled. If the printer came ready to print and you just opened the box and started printing the expectations of quality would be as such that there would be an absolutely huge return/warranty rate. But to sell and ship them completely unassembled creates a plausible deniability where the manufacturer can first argue that you put it together wrong but then can argue that you opened everything and manipulated all the pieces and parts helping greatly with denying a return. So many people in this world just don't get this simple truth. But it is most certainly the truth. The printers that come ready to run and require little or no setup are generally expensive because they know their stuff has to work. So like the Prusa Mini that is just 3 pieces to assemble will be a good machine. But it is expensive for it's build envelope. And you might be on a waiting list to get it as that printer seems to be a favorite of the printer farms.
LOL, I was just responding to your microwave question... this is what it would take for mainstream adoption.