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  1. #1

    Unhappy Ender 3 Pro - Stuck while Printing

    While printing, the Ender 3 pro extruder goes off to the edge, the side of the printer and just gets stuck there.

    This is demonstrated in the following video:

    Please help!

  2. #2
    Staff Engineer Roberts_Clif's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2017
    Washington State, USA
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    This could be the cables are mislabeled, this happens once in a while.

    If you follow the cable from the controller to the stepper motor and from the end_stop switch to the correct location on the controller.
    This is the only way to see it the are correctly labeled.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2020
    United Kingdom
    Please can we have some more details.

    1 is this a new machine that has never been used before
    2 Does this happen when you use Auto Home for leveling

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Gambo View Post
    Please can we have some more details.

    1 is this a new machine that has never been used before
    2 Does this happen when you use Auto Home for leveling
    1 new machine that hasn't been used before
    2 yes this is after auto home levelling

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Roberts_Clif View Post
    This could be the cables are mislabeled, this happens once in a while.

    If you follow the cable from the controller to the stepper motor and from the end_stop switch to the correct location on the controller.
    This is the only way to see it the are correctly labeled.
    Dude you're a life saver. I love you

  6. #6
    In the beginning of some of my prints, the extruder makes a popping noise so I replaced the extruder release arm. It's still happening and I have made sure nothing is too tight or too loose and racked my brain trying to figure it out. I know e-steps are talked about, but how do I figure those out? Any suggestions would be totally appreciated!

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