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  1. #1
    Engineer-in-Training Hugues's Avatar
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    May 2014

    Calibration question

    Hi guys,

    I have a Felix 2.0 with Repetier Host, been printing happily for many years.

    But I might have a calibration issue, let me explain:
    - My CAD file is simply a 30mm D cylinder
    - The height of the printed cylinder corresponds to my CAD file, so no calibration needed in Z
    - The Y dimension of the printed cylinder is pretty much 30.00 mm
    - But the X dimension is 30.34 mm

    So I should calibrate the printer by playing with the firmware settings. But:
    - the maximum diameter of my cylinder is not on the X axis, it's roughly at 45 degrees from the X axis (or Y) and is 30.60mm
    - the minimum diameter of my cylinder is not on the X axis, it's roughly at 45 degrees from the X axis (or Y) on the opposite side and is 29.67 mm

    So basically my cylinder is more like an oval with the longest dimension between X and Y axis.

    I'm not sure how to fix this problem. Looks like I need to change the X and Y step but if I do then my Y dimension which is correct will not longer be after ?

  2. #2
    Staff Engineer
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    Jun 2014
    What happens if you print a cube with similar dimensions? You may get more useful information from an orthogonal model.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    As fred said, print a square calibration cube. You can adjust the X and Y steps independently, depending on the motherboard, directly through firmware or through inserting a line of GCODE as correction at the start of each print.

  4. #4
    Engineer-in-Training Hugues's Avatar
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    Yes, good idea, i will do that

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Option B... put a ruler on the platform (next to the nozzle) and move it 100mm in each direction (X, Y, Z). Test it a few times... If you consistently get say 96mm in X direction and 101 in Y direction, you need to adjust your steps... is a great link for walking you through updating GCode M92.

  6. #6
    Engineer-in-Training Hugues's Avatar
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    May 2014

    Calibration measures

    So I followed Option B above

    X130.51 mm vs 130

    109.4 vs 110

    39.75 vs 40

    So they are all pretty good.

    In my opening post, I measured in X a difference of 0.34 mm over 30mm, so 1.13 % deviation
    My X calibration measures above deviate by 0.51 over 130mm which is 0.4% only.

    Maybe something else is not right ?
    Belts are tight, i cannot move the print head in any direction when printer is on.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Trying to think through this one because there are so many things it could be... First, I must ask if you moved the 130mm by repertoire or by printer buttons. 2nd are you sure the cube stayed 30x30, there was no accidental clicks or scaling while slicing? 3rd I saw you say you checked the belts and print head doesn't move... Do that include making sure there is no play in the print head mount. Ie belt belt might be tight, but when it moves right, the slide to one side, then the other when it comes back. 4th is there anything in the slicing software that is adding an m92 to your gcode?

  8. #8
    Staff Engineer
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    Belts can be too tight, something to check, but difficult to express.

  9. #9
    Engineer-in-Training Hugues's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Snow_Man View Post
    Trying to think through this one because there are so many things it could be... First, I must ask if you moved the 130mm by repertoire or by printer buttons. 2nd are you sure the cube stayed 30x30, there was no accidental clicks or scaling while slicing? 3rd I saw you say you checked the belts and print head doesn't move... Do that include making sure there is no play in the print head mount. Ie belt belt might be tight, but when it moves right, the slide to one side, then the other when it comes back. 4th is there anything in the slicing software that is adding an m92 to your gcode?
    Thanks for the further ideas.
    To move 130mm, I pressed 13 times on the +10 button in Repetier host.
    I checked my slic3r settings, i could not see any additional code in there that would change the dimensions of the part before slicing.
    I checked my print head, if I pull hard on it, I can move it by about 0.5mm maybe, but I can't think of anything that would put that kind of force while printing.
    Belts are not too tight, i can press on them and that still feels soft.
    I searched for M92 in my last gcode file, could not find any.

    Very weird issue. I posted a message too in the vendor forum.

  10. #10
    Super Moderator curious aardvark's Avatar
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    Jul 2014
    check your belts are both still rigid.
    Could be a stretched belt, or loosening drive gear.

    If things have been working fine for a while - then the odds are it's not a calibration issues, but a wear and tear issue.

    Always check the physical aspects of a printer before mucking about with the electronics.

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