Quote Originally Posted by AutoWiz View Post
Are your steppers running in standalone mode? And if so did you adjust the pot on the stepper and set the forward current to a happy place? It sounds like the vref might be a bit low. Or there might be a problem with the wires from the driver to the stepper or their connections. Also cable management is not a hard thing to get a hold of. Sometimes it means identifying and hunting down the right connector or pigtail. A lot of times it means using a soldering iron and making custom length harnesses. And it is always better if you design the mainboard tray with cable management in mind. My SKR PRO here has a stepper in every socket and yet not a single wire draped over the mainboard..
That is really beautiful cable management. I've been considering getting ribbon cables that I can cut to length and replacing the stock ones. but that's a later project, I tried increasing the forward current with no effect, then I increased the vref from 0.960 volt to 1.1 volt. no effect either, but these values have not been changed for over a year of operation, and it stopped working after I replaced the heatsink on the stepper controller, it was working without the heatsink, but stalled after a few minutes of operation. now I've tried 3 different stepper motors and 2 different stepper controllers. when I try to load or unload filament to make the extruder stepper move, it makes that jerk sound, in some cases I can try several times, but eventually it stops responding at all, and a led on the mainboard starts flashing really fast, it's the LED next to the Q3 transistor. can the mainboard have been damaged when I fiddled with the stepper controller?

Edit: I think they are in standalone mode, I didn't fiddle with any particular mode settings, unless I have it wrong it's either standalone or closed loop? I think they are in SPI mode.