A far as sticking to the bed goes - have youir bed temp at 65c - I find that's optimum for pla.

Change from cura to prusaslicer - it's just Soooooooo much easier to mess about with settings to tune printers in.

To adjust 'stickability' rather thn changing the print trmp. You need to play with the speed of the first layer and how close to the build surface the print nozzle is.
This is easier in prusaslicer than cura.

Different machines need different settings.
My sapphire pro with PEI and some build plate adhesive, can print a good first layer at 75mm/s - I usually have it nearer 20 or 30 - depends on how large an area the print has. Larger surface areas mean you can generally print the first layer faster.

Now my delta - with a similiar buildplate setup, I generally run at 10% of the actual print speed. so usually somewhere between 10-15mm/s

My replictor pro - which ahs a mystery print surface I picked up for free at a tct show - runs at about 10mm/s, but has a slightly larger z-axis gap as whatever it is - pla really sticks well to it.

All the printers run pla at 200-210c (depending on speed) and 65c printbed.

For really fiddly prints, I've had the delta as low as 3mms with cheap nylon filament.

Speedwise - lol, unless it's rattling around and making horrible noises - run it at the fastest speed that produces the print quality you want.

For big prints or prints that don't need to look smooth I usually run the delta and sapphire at 150mm/s and 0.3 or 0.4 mm layer height.
The rep clone maxes out at 75mm/s for any prints as it's got an extruder carriage with two nema 17's and two hotends on it - and you just can't shift that kind of weight around too fast without some kind of counter balance. So that runs at 65mm/s for pla and about 20mm/s for flexible filaments.
Flexible filaments are sticky so you can run the first layer the same speed as the main speed.

But basically the print temperatures are determined largely by the material and the print settings: speed, zgap etc are determined by the printer and the build plate material/coating.