Oh, I realize there's not much liklihood of making a cost-effective DIY photoresin. But the proliferation of SLA printers makes the field of home chemistry much more interested in the field of photoresins. It's possible with so many eager minds on the subject that someone might just come up with something new. (not me, I'm pretty far out of my depth with advanced chemistry, but I like to read science papers and tend to be an ideas guy in general)

That said, what kind of photoinitiators are out there? In the thread I linked, Amirjabri mentioned Manganese and Curcumin (though I'm a bit sceptical on Curcumin working very well) but from what I understand, they only act as catalysts for oxidation. Are there photoinitatiors that can catalyze other reactions? Ones that act as bases or acids while exposed to UV?

I'm sure I'm sounding like a school kid to anyone with a chemistry degree, but I'm very curious about all this.