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  1. #1
    Student jdvass's Avatar
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    Saskatchewan Canada

    Is this Typical?

    Hi all. I am new to the forum, though not new to 3D printing. I don't want to start a fight but I am wondering if the following is typical of help offered to those new to 3D printing by forum staff? I just read a post by someone that is new to 3D printing looking to learn and asking for some advice. He advised he purchased an Ender 3 Pro to start with and this is part of the response he received from an administrator: "my only advice on ender 3's is to NEVER buy one. Other than that watch any of the several million videos on youtube on how to totally rebuild them to actually make them work :-)" It may be just me but this seems less than helpful and will only serve to dishearten the fellow and increase the chances that he will give up before he even begins. Not a good way to garner interest in a great hobby in my opinion. So back to my question, is this typical of how those new to the hobby are treated when they ask for assistance?

  2. #2
    Staff Engineer
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    If you recognize that you are posting to a forum in which everyone is entitled to respond, and that those responses may well include opinions, you'll be ahead of the game. Factual posts and answers to problems are more often useful than opinions.

    Different people have different approaches to others' posts here. If someone is negatively critical of someone's post, it may be advised to ignore that person's posts in the future.

  3. #3
    Student jdvass's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fred_dot_u View Post
    If you recognize that you are posting to a forum in which everyone is entitled to respond, and that those responses may well include opinions, you'll be ahead of the game. Factual posts and answers to problems are more often useful than opinions.

    Different people have different approaches to others' posts here. If someone is negatively critical of someone's post, it may be advised to ignore that person's posts in the future.
    Thanks, it just kind of surprised me from a forum moderator. I'll be a little more thick skinned in the future and ignore things like this.

  4. #4
    Staff Engineer
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    I'm too often surprised at the vitriol that pops up now and then. I've learned long ago to keep my posts objective and avoid "you did this," or "you shouldn't have done that," sort of posts. Most of us try to be helpful and even if a moderator lost his cool for a bit, I'd expect you'll discover that he can also present posts with value.

  5. #5
    Super Moderator curious aardvark's Avatar
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    it's good advice - the best way is to not buy a deliberately flawed printer in the first place.

    That said - I help a lot of ender owners, and have more or less given up trying to explain what's wrong with most creality printer designs as creality sponsors hundreds of youtubers and sometimes you have to admit you've lost the battle and try and fight a different war :-)

    So yes the whole ender range are deliberately poorly designed. This saves creality a few dollars that they put towards their marketing strategy - and it's made them a LOT of money.
    Yes the printers do work, after a fashion, not well - but if you print slowly enough they will do the job.

    Simply because a LOT of a particular printer are sold - does not make them a printer actually worth buying.

    That said, yeah it was kind of pointless telling someone who'd already bought a printer not to buy one :-)
    I don't do that anymore.

    And I did actually offer other advice i the same thread that wasn't just 'throw it away and get something else'.

    Ender 3 owners can be more than a little bit acerbic when you suggest they didn't buy the owrld's greatest 3d printer.

    So I apologise for giving the wrong advice - but if you are offended by actual facts, then you're probably in the wrong forum.
    We're not a collection of single machine fanatics or paid up fanboys here.
    If it doesn't work or should have been designed better - we'll probably mention it at some point ;-)

    We do genuinely try and give good advice on a HUGE variety of printers and processes.

    Given that the number of: 'I've just bought a printer and it doesn't work' threads posted by ender owners outnumbers similiar threads by ALL other printer types, is a pretty good indication that something is rotten in the state of creality-land. And I find that incredibly frustrating that people are still buying these things.
    So while I do try to ignore this and give the best advice I can, occasionally the frustration will show through.

    I'm not being paid by anyone, my help if offered free and as is.
    I've got 5 3d printers that cover the 4 main designs: i3, delta, corexy and cartesian and as such have a lot of experience across most aspects of FDM printing. So I try to help as many people as I can.

    And that's all I can do.

    If you've got an issue with something I said - feel free to contact me, I don't get upset and throw personal insults at people. If you have a sensible argument about something and I'm wrong. I'll admit it and change my mind.
    How else do we learn ?
    Last edited by curious aardvark; 12-28-2020 at 07:54 AM.

  6. #6
    Student jdvass's Avatar
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    Mr. aardvark I meant nothing derogatory in my query of your reply and if I overstepped my bounds I apologize. I have no intention of arguing with you, sensibly or otherwise, nor of changing your mind. Your opinions are just as valid as those of anyone else. Is that not partly how we learn? By listening to opposing views? I was simply taken aback by your reply to someone who is new to printing and came for help and advice. There is nothing wrong with good constructive criticism. But in my opinion it should indeed be constructive.

    I certainly don't appreciate that you seem to be insinuating that I am some kind of "fan boy" or that may be offended by facts. I own, and have owned multiple brands of printers including Creality, Anycubic, Artillery and Prusa. I am not a "fan boy" of any of them. They all have their pros and cons. I give honest answers based on my experience, regardless of brand. If this is overstepping, or if that kind of feedback is not welcome on this site, then you are correct in that I am probably in the wrong forum. Simply let me know and I will be gone, I do not wish to be adversarial with you or any other members on here.


  7. #7
    Super Moderator curious aardvark's Avatar
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    well you are taking offence at things I never said.
    As nwell as ignoring things I actually did say.
    So, hey make your own decisions.

    Take what i say at face value - I rarely 'insinuate'.
    Blunt rather than subtle ;-)

  8. #8
    Student jdvass's Avatar
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    So you're your not insinuating? Your outright saying I'm a fanboy and I'm offended by your facts that don't line up with my real life experience with the printer?

    You're correct. If this is the attitude of the folks running it, I am in the wrong forum. Thanks for adding me and letting me give it a try, but I honestly don't think I'll be a good fit here. Take care and keep printing.

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