Oh wow. Hey Thank You, buddy. Really. I was into making stuff and things long before 3d printing came about. For me in the old days, in the before time I had to use radio shack project boxes, a soldering iron and hot glue to create for my electronics projects. I made some incredible things in those days. And all of it can only be remembered as art. When I got a hold of the ability to rapid prototype like this with such precision, oh man. I had absolutely no experience going in with any type of 3d or cad design. It was all new to me, and I started with a digital slide caliper/micrometer and a protractor. I am still only good with the very basics of the 3d design software and I really only use autodesk 123d design which everybody shames me for today. I had to find youtube tutorials for everything I did. This right here is the youtube video that taught me how to create in a 3d space: Autodesk 123D Tutorial - YouTube . Because I was always good with my hands and electronics I started with an ebay 3d printer that required a lot of assembly and by the time it was together I knew a lot about the machine I was using. There were a lot of times in the beginning for me where I had a laptop next to my pc with a tutorial on one while I was going through the motions in the slicer or with arduino(now atom). And that was back in 2016/2017. Today there is just so much more support out there as this tech tries to mature. If you are already good with electronics and working with your hands and it sounds like you are then you should have a lot of fun here. Godspeed and whatever you do, don't forget to share with the group. And MERRY CHRISTMAS !!!