Hello. I have a TronXY X5SA 500 PRO myself. From all that I can understand the tronxy firmware itself is very problematic and most are either running marlin on the tronxy controller or they are dumping the tronxy electronics altogether and getting a mainboard, lcd, and drivers from 3D Printing and the Fourth Industrial Revolution – Biqu Equipment . I am going the second route and a little beyond and the building of my X5SA 500 PRO can be seen here: My First CoreXY (3dprintboard.com) . I am big on joining facebook groups for the specific printers I own. It is an important support system to have in place and the name of the facebook group for you to join is "Tronxy & Turnigy X5S, X5SA ,X3S 3D Printer Drucker Users". If you goto facebook and search for that private group and join it you will be in touch with 6,700 other TronXY owners.