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  1. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by 686 Shooter View Post
    ...your printers are truly superior...
    Ya they are, Thank You for noticing. I do try my hardest. Like me they are all one of a kind. And I have been at it for a while, now. I currently have Old Blue..


    Big Red..

    And I don't have a name as of yet, but there is this absolutely huge TronXY printer I am currently building and have come this far on..

    Really, Thank You for noticing. I don't think I would have used 'superior' to describe my own machines. But it does sound nice. I am a member of many of your 'user groups' on F.B. They are support groups, buddy. Make-up, bikini's, and camera's are for showing off on social media. 3D printers are for making things with plastic. If you bought one and are very happy with it then that would imply that you are happily occupied in your spare time with 3d design software and slicer software and on thingiverse and exploring the incredible world of rapid prototyping. If you bought a 3d printer and find yourself dwelling on social media in a group it is most likely because you haven't found the joy you were looking for in your initial purchase. And if you bought a 3d printer just to show off and dwell on social media, well, you probably would have been better off with the make-up, bikini, and camera.
    Last edited by AutoWiz; 11-17-2020 at 09:15 PM.

  2. #12
    Student 686 Shooter's Avatar
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    Wow dude. You need to come out of your mom's basement once in a while. There's a whole world out there. You may even meet a girl. No let's not get too far ahead. Just start by leaving the basement.

    People with lives do more than 3D print and actually enjoy interacting with others, both on social media and face to face.

    And I have to ask, why are you wasting time on here? You mustn't be finding the joy you were looking for in your printers. Otherwise you would be enjoying the incredible world of rapid prototyping right now, not showing off and dwelling on an internet forum.

  3. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by 686 Shooter View Post
    Wow dude. You need to come out of your mom's basement once in a while. There's a whole world out there. You may even meet a girl. No let's not get too far ahead. Just start by leaving the basement.
    Ya so here is a picture of my 3 children helping me build the new Geeetech i3 Pro B (Old Blue) when we first got it back in early 2016..

    And here is a picture of my youngest son, Drew, helping me print an entire i3 printer a year later..

    Because as a father of 3 my hobbies are teaching skills to my kids. I am here to help others in whichever way I can. be it directly or from ideas posted up on things to build or ways to rework these printers. And For each rework I have, there is a thingiverse page to go along complete with every design I drew up free for any and all to download and print out at will. And each of these printers also has a build thread here so any and all can even see an example of each piece and part being installed. I am no CA or Spegelius but I try to do my part.
    Last edited by AutoWiz; 11-18-2020 at 11:40 PM.

  4. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by AutoWiz View Post
    \Because if it was that great and they were having that good of a time with it then they should be spending time making things and not posting on social media, right? Because nobody buys a 3d printer to make posts on social media, right? Everybody buys a 3d printer to make stuff out of plastic. Which is way different than posting on social media.
    People do go on social media to discuss things and show off their creations and accomplishments, not just to complain as you believe. I share my knowledge and experience and have also learned a lot from Facebook groups. I also have made many friends that share the same interests as I do. It's a lot of fun. The vast majority people on those groups are not opinionated and derogatory, regardless of the brand or model of printer you use.

    It is awesome that you include your children, but if you are teaching them not to discuss their passions and share their accomplishments, even on social media, and to just sit and "make things out of plastic" I truly feel sorry for them, and you. Sharing with others is one of the greatest parts of this hobby. By sitting here with a closed mind and an I know better than you attitude, it is robbing you of a part of this hobby as rewarding as when a long complex print completes perfectly. You may not be physically in your moms basement, but you are there mentally. And that is worse.

    I am done with this forum. Don't bother replying, I won't see it. I want to be part of an inclusive community that truly wants to provide the best information they can to it's members. This forum is not that kind of community. And that's a shame because it could be a great place to share our passion for 3D printing.

    Moderator, if you read this please delete my account for this forum.

  5. #15
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    We can beat a dead horse. You can have the last word. I am good with that. But we can't leave things on your hateful and inaccurate accusations about me, bro. I have been accused of many things in my days but closed minded has never been one of them. I am pretty sure any thread I have running any where should do a good job of proving that. And aside from your hate speech we need to correct your understanding on F.B. support groups and places where you would go to show off or share your generalized 3d printing ideas. Because the F.B. groups are a group of people that own that exact model 3d printer. This statement means 2 things. First that you are appealing to a very small niche when you could be trying to reach out to a much larger group for generalized 3d printing ideas. But also it generally means you won't be impressing anybody with what they could be doing themselves. For the last time F.B. support groups are for that and there i guess you could practice showing off or sharing ideas with such a small community? But when you are serious about sharing general 3d printing ideas or showing off then you will find a much larger base and of people without exactly what you own to appeal to. F.B. support groups are awesome. And I am on many. But generalized forums are a better place for sharing the general ideas and showing off because they will always be a much larger base. People reach out to the small community of their own when they need help understanding what they are struggling with. And those will always be the people you are trying to show off to and impress in these groups. But in the generalized forums out there you will consistently find people with real knowledge to bounce ideas off of.

  6. #16
    Technician Axl_Myk's Avatar
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    I'm a brand new member and printer user. Kinda strange that the first topic I read, makes me want to get some popcorn.

  7. #17
    Super Moderator curious aardvark's Avatar
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    lol - in any online group or forum you will always get those who have ideas set in concrete and insist on belittling and insulting those who disagree with them, without ever explaning or backing up their opinions with any kind of evidence or facts.

    Personally I like reasoned argument. If you have an opinion different to mine - convince me I'm wrong and I'll change my mind.
    686shooter did not have a mind capable of changing.

    We are exactly the type of community he claimed to want - but in reality was not really looking for.
    And no, I will not remove his account to 'sanitise' the forum.

    c'est la vie. As they say in canada (and possibly even france)

    So, what flavour popcorn ? ;-)

  8. #18
    Technician Axl_Myk's Avatar
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    Salt and theater butter (lots) will be fine, thank you.

    I'm a well versed forum user, and have been online since the time Merit freenet (late 70s). Before good ole AOL.
    Nothing surprises me on the net.

  9. #19
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    Hello and welcome to the group. It's not always drama in here. Sometimes we try to help and convince others they need to re engineer their printers with new hardware. You know, spreadin' the good word and stuff.

  10. #20
    Super Moderator curious aardvark's Avatar
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    Ah the sound of a dial up modem trying to connect to a bulletin board.
    Nostalgia - and I really do not miss it lol

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