Ya so to keep prices down all these printers come with the cheapest parts the manufacturer can source. And as a direct result all of these machines take extremely well to quality name brand aftermarket parts. From companies like Gates, E3D, Micro Swiss, HIWIN, Duet, BondTech, MeanWell, Slice Engineering, etc. But at best our machines come with knockoff clones and then we try to make it better with other knockoff clones. The more money you spend up front will usually mean the better quality knockoff parts on the printer. But I have found going for a build envelope you want to have, or a frame design you really like is the best way to choose your machine. Because in the end everything else is just simple and easy to change parts. I am currently building a TronXY X5SA PRO 500. It is a huge corexy machine with a lot of known problems but the largest build volume out of anything out there. 500x500x600mm. So it is worth working through all the problems to be able to make such big things. Whatever you choose don't forget the support system. Find groups on F.B. and other social media so you have a base to reach out to for questions and help. Good luck and let us know what you get.