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  1. #8
    Staff Engineer Roberts_Clif's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2017
    Washington State, USA
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    Currently Printing Fail Proof Fidget Cubes on both systems for Halloween trick or Treats.

    Same 24v worked the 12v failed.
    This is not saying that because it is 12 or 24 volts is works or fails this is just my way of keeping the two printers separate.
    I could say Blu (" 24V" ) or Red (" 12V ")

    Here are My Twins

    The Twins 2.jpg

    I am beginning to wander if changing to Marlin 2.0.6 caused the problem.
    That would be an easy fix I just re-load Marlin 1.1.9BF an re-test the Print.

    How is Your Print Going?
    What slicer are you using? It may be advantageous to start with a good old reliable Cura or PrusaSlicer.

    I just started a print set of Turtle ear savers at 95% flow rate.
    Starting my prints I found another problem.
    I had the printer that has been printing Perfect models get a clog.
    I have not changed filaments and this is my thought>>>>>

    I believe that when they splice filaments together to make a roll sometimes they mistakenly use an ABS filament to splice PLA filament.
    Even if they use the correct filament it somehow is still not just right still causing the clog.

    I have no proof of this it is just what I believe happens from time to time...

    Turtle finished on Red at 95 % flow perfectly , Thank You
    Last edited by Roberts_Clif; 10-21-2020 at 04:07 PM.

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