The sensorless homing goes with the tmc2209 or 2226 or 5160 drivers. There are 2 extra pins on these drivers one of which we have to cut if we are not using the sensorless homing. For this we should be using 32 bit boards like the SKR series so we have support for the extra pins on these drivers. Once together we tune the stepper voltage so it is strong enough to not skip but not so strong that it breaks our printers when it butts up against the frame. The driver senses the skipped steps and knows it is homed. I will show you guys my trick for sensorless homing on Z. And no shed. I rent. However, I am very much trying to get my own show on the road. My business is an LLC. And if I can get my shift together and get this off the ground then I will happily keep my printer(s) in my shop. Check out my professional logo. I paid somebody on for this..