Ya that's pretty much what I'm gonna create. As much of the electronics and components as possible will be outside the enclosure. Everything inside must be able to handle the heat comfortably. It is gonna be the centerpiece in my living room to boot so I can not have this huge structure just heat soaking my home so I have been pondering a double enclosure. That is transparent walls placed around the bed and then around the outside of the frame of the structure. There is room for me to do this and I am not sure if I will but it would be a novel way to keep some of the heat off the outside walls of the enclosure. And I am most definitely aiming to print parts I can directly bolt to an engine. Like my own custom engine cover. With my logo on it that I can sell on forums for those who have modded their Corvettes. And If i can design and make a few things to bolt to an engine maybe I can go setup a store on etsy.com and start linking everyone to it. And I did order that 510x510x4mm carbon silicone glass Ultrabase Creality build surface with the 400c support. It is coming from China so it will be a while but I am very excited to have this extrelemy flat and large build surface. The TronXY has the worst reviews on it's heated bed. Complaints the aluminum is bent right out of the box, the PLA temps melt the TronXY build surface, and complaints about a 10 minute heating time are some of the things I have to correct if I hope to get decent print quality out of this thing.