Hi, i know both are totally different printers. First i was looking for a good and easy to start with printer which does allow me to do more in the future once more experienced. That's when i found the Qidi Tech x max. Then i came upon the FF Creator 3 which offered even more possibilities with almost similar building volume. After reading many reviews about this Creator i got the feeling this printer might not be a good choiche due to the leveling issues and offset between both nozzles. It still looked like a very nice printer though with many possibilites but that's where i got doubts about which printer to buy. As said the Qidi max even though it is a single extruder had much better reviews and comments related to print quality and ease of use compared to the Creator 3. I could not made up my mind based on the reviews (FF Creator v2 does not have that many reviews) so i decided to join this forum to hopefully get some ideas based on experienced users.

It is good to hear the spool holder is not really causing any issues for the Qidi max. I think i might go for this printer because i think it offers enough possibilities for a decent price. Easy to setup and start with.

I really appreciate all the input. Thanks!