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  1. #21
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    Oct 2016
    I don't think that Prusa extruders makes much difference. Remember, it is 1:1 ratio so you'll lose the Titan's etra torque. I have one Titan and it's a quite nice extruder.
    If the Titan is clicking, then I think it might be trying to feed too much material too fast and if Titan is clicking, Prusa extruder has no chance. OTOH, Prusa extruder probably has the correct distance from the gears to the hotend so it might fix the situation. However, if the problem is a too long feed length, it should be fixable with tuning the lengths in Marlin and/or start gcode. At what point does the clicking happen? Can you share a video? Also if you can share a gcode-file you are trying to print would also help.
    The x-axis gong back and forth while extruder moves backwards might be by design, it kinda does that on my MMU2S also when feeding filament; first it feeds it almost all the way, then retracts few centimeters and then does the actual feed. Might be a kind extra safety move as there's a possibility of a jam just when getting to the heatbreak...

  2. #22
    Staff Engineer
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    Well I was under the impression that everybody with a bowden tube ran dual drive. But it is good to hear otherwise. I needed to print something large and this is the only printer i own big enough so last night I changed the extruder count back to 1, commented out single nozzle and mmu and just like that it compiled. That was all i had to do to convert back to one filament. Then I removed the bowden tube so I could just feed in a filament. I had a jam and ended up changing both the heatbreak and the nozzle. And it has been printing for 15 hours now and looks great..

    I know why there is Z banding. It is an interesting problem to correct on this machine but I know why it is and I will make it right. It is very slight and you can barely feel it in the surface with your fingernail but it is there..

    Tonight when this is done I will reconnect everything and try again. Thank you guys for saving me some money and more headaches.

  3. #23
    Super Moderator curious aardvark's Avatar
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    lol if that's what you call 'z-banding' you got nothing to worry about :-)

    So the mumu setup feeds a direct drive extruder doesn't it ?
    So all the tube from the mumu extruder to the printer actual extruder does is to guide the filament.
    What you want is the big stuff that's used as a filament guide on the replicaror clones. IT's 3mm internal. Which would reduce the friction to practically nothing.
    Dunno if that would help significantly - but got to be worth a try.

    The 2mm stuff they use on the saffire pro2 was so tight I had real problem just pushing pla through it by hand.

    Now she's direct drive - oh man :-)
    Knocked out a perfect iris box last night at 0,2mm layer and 75mm/s speed.
    Best one one yet.
    Currently seeing if she'll print one at 0.3mm layer height.
    Then I'm gonna up it to 100mm/s and see what happens.

    If I can actually print a fully smooth iris box at 100mm/s and 0.3mm - that makes them quick enough to sell at a sensible price :-)

    You're going to have to try the corexy system next.
    That and the linear rails just makes for really precision movement.
    And the things completely silent.
    The ony reason you know it's even running is the slight sounds made by the filament coming off the spool.

    On another note, are you now wishing you'd gone down the mosaic route ?

  4. #24
    Staff Engineer
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    I dream of 100mm/s. I will tune this for speed when i get it working. To see how fast it can print good. I am not sure about the palette but I am definitely in over my head on the MMU2S. I am so close. So painfully close. I have to figure out why my extruder drive gear spins slow backwards at the start of the print. This slow speed in and out of the filament is causing jams in the heatbreak. I made the changes to my start Gcode as suggested but it still does this same thing at the very start of the print. Why does it do this @ 1:40 in this video???

  5. #25
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    Oct 2016
    Ok the movements back and forth might just the thing that happens at the beginning of a multicolor print. PrusaSlicer adds a sequence to the beginning of the print where it loads each filament once and purges some stuff at the front of the bed, 'priming' each filament. Why the extruder moves back and forth might be just to form the tip properly, I?l have to check if my printer does that too.

    But the fact that there's no filament coming out of the nozzle indicates that there's an issue with feeding the filament all the way to the nozzle. The tip of the filament on the video looks kinda bad, can you test with filament that has the tip properly cut? Also after this kind of failed load, does the filament seem like the extruder gear has grinded it?

    Edit: I sliced a multicolor model in PrusaSlicer and looking at the priming gcode doesn't show that kind of moving the filament in and out. I'd really like to have a look at the gcode file you are trying to print.
    Last edited by spegelius; 09-16-2020 at 01:29 PM.

  6. #26
    Staff Engineer
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    OK I loaded a 5 color multi material test print into prusa slicer and sliced it. Here is that Gcode. Can you please compare this to your start gcode and tell me what i am doing wrong?
    Attached Files Attached Files

  7. #27
    Join Date
    Oct 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by AutoWiz View Post
    OK I loaded a 5 color multi material test print into prusa slicer and sliced it. Here is that Gcode. Can you please compare this to your start gcode and tell me what i am doing wrong?
    To my understanding, everything should be ok. This print doesn't seem to have the filament priming feature enabled, it just loads the first filament and starts to print. Have you tried printing it yet?

    Here's the initial start gcode, standard stuff. Add mesh bed leveling command if you need to:
    M73 P0 R137 ; progress indication
    M107 ; fan off
    G90 ; use absolute coordinates
    M83 ; extruder relative mode
    M104 S240 ; set extruder temp
    M140 S60 ; set bed temp
    M190 S60 ; wait for bed temp
    M109 S240 ; wait for extruder temp
    G28  ; home all without mesh bed level
    This sets up MMU2S so that it knows what type of filament is loaded
    ; Send the filament type to the MMU2.0 unit.
    ; E stands for extruder number, F stands for filament type (0: default; 1:flex; 2: PVA)
    M403 E0 F0
    M403 E1 F0
    M403 E2 F0
    M403 E3 F0
    M403 E4 F0
    This part loads first filament to nozzle. The initial load length seems low, for me it does more than double that. That could be the problem, it's just no feeding the filament far enough initially.
    ;go outside print area
    G1 Y0.0 F1000.0
    G1 X260 F1000.0
    G1 Z0.2 F1000.0
    ; select extruder
    ; initial load
    G1 E29.0 F1073.0
    M73 P0 R137
    G92 E0.0

    For some reason does another loading of first filament, not sure if this actually does anything because the filament is already loaded. Don't know why this is here, but I have it too so apparently it's needed or just redundant stuff that Prusa team hasn't cleaned away.
    G92 E0.0
    G21 ; set units to millimeters
    G90 ; use absolute coordinates
    M83 ; use relative distances for extrusion
    ; Filament gcode
    G1 Z0.500 F4800.000
    G92 E0.0
    Moves to purge tower position
    G1 E-1.00000 F2100.00000
    G1 Z1.100 F4800.000
    G1 Z0.500
    G1 E-2.00000 F2100.00000
    G1 Z1.100 F4800.000
    G1 X101.016 Y209.785
    G1 Z0.500
    G1 E3.00000 F2100.00000
    So the initial load part seems to be the only problematic section.

    I suggest you check the Printer Settings -> Single extruder MM setup section, this is what I have:

    Edit: actually the initial load section seems to be in the Start gcode-section, this is what I have in there:

    M862.3 P "[printer_model]" ; printer model check
    M862.1 P[nozzle_diameter] ; nozzle diameter check
    M115 U3.9.0 ; tell printer latest fw version
    G90 ; use absolute coordinates
    M83 ; extruder relative mode
    M104 S[first_layer_temperature] ; set extruder temp
    M140 S[first_layer_bed_temperature] ; set bed temp
    M190 S[first_layer_bed_temperature] ; wait for bed temp
    M109 S[first_layer_temperature] ; wait for extruder temp
    G28 W ; home all without mesh bed level
    G80 ; mesh bed leveling
    ; Send the filament type to the MMU2.0 unit.
    ; E stands for extruder number, F stands for filament type (0: default; 1:flex; 2: PVA)
    M403 E0 F{"" + ((filament_type[0]=="FLEX") ? 1 : ((filament_type[0]=="PVA") ? 2 : 0))}
    M403 E1 F{"" + ((filament_type[1]=="FLEX") ? 1 : ((filament_type[1]=="PVA") ? 2 : 0))}
    M403 E2 F{"" + ((filament_type[2]=="FLEX") ? 1 : ((filament_type[2]=="PVA") ? 2 : 0))}
    M403 E3 F{"" + ((filament_type[3]=="FLEX") ? 1 : ((filament_type[3]=="PVA") ? 2 : 0))}
    M403 E4 F{"" + ((filament_type[4]=="FLEX") ? 1 : ((filament_type[4]=="PVA") ? 2 : 0))}
    {if not has_single_extruder_multi_material_priming}
    ;go outside print area
    G1 Y-3.0 F1000.0
    G1 Z0.4 F1000.0
    ; select extruder
    ; initial load
    G1 X55.0 E29.0 F1073.0
    G1 X5.0 E29.0 F1800.0
    G1 X55.0 E8.0 F2000.0
    G1 Z0.3 F1000.0
    G92 E0.0
    G1 X240.0 E25.0 F2200.0
    G1 Y-2.0 F1000.0
    G1 X55.0 E25 F1400.0
    G1 Z0.20 F1000.0
    G1 X5.0 E4.0 F1000.0
    G92 E0.0
    G92 E0.0
    Try copying the lines after ;initial load to your start gcode
    Last edited by spegelius; 09-19-2020 at 04:33 AM.

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