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  1. #1
    3DPrintBoardPro Member car3less's Avatar
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    Red face DeltaWASP 60×100 printing problems

    Hi!One year ago, we bought a huge DeltaWasp. The quality of printing is above expectations. Really good.But this is the only Delta 3D printer in the office so we are newbies in solving its problems.A few weeks ago, the Spitfire nozzle assembly just burned itself during an 100 hours print. The support had no answer for this awkward problem. They just said they can offer us another Spitfire at a reduced cost. We were very lucky as it didn't really spit fire, although I was honestly afraid after the incident. We put a camera on it for continuous surveillance.We replaced the unusable Spitfire with a new one. The new Spitfire printed OK a new object for about 48 hours until it did this:wasp.jpgWe found the nozzle stuck inside the assembly. We fixed the Spitfire and tried to print the same model but now the printer's arms, instead from moving from down to up, they do the opposite: the printer starts printing from 5 mm distance from the platform and goes down until it starts digging into the platform. Calibration is also a mess.We are now trying to solve this with the support. But is there anyone who had these problems before?Thanks!
    Printare 3D Bucuresti

    Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. Arthur C. Clarke

  2. #2
    Super Moderator curious aardvark's Avatar
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    sounds like your motherboard is playing silly buggers.

    My first action would be to reset the firmware back to factory settings - usually there is a reset option somewhere in the printer control panel.

    Failing that, a new board sounds like a good idea.

    It seems to have reversed movement, and lost thermal control.
    The obvious candidate would be the board. It might have overheated on that long print.

    But definitely a soft reset would be the first thing I'd try.

    And good to see you around the forum again :-)

  3. #3
    3DPrintBoardPro Member car3less's Avatar
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    We discovered that one of the motors moves very hard and makes strange sounds. I made a movie and sent it to the support.
    I wait today for them to reply and, after, we follow your advice and reset.

    But overheating shouldn't be that normal. What if I print a 10 days project, not 3? I mean, it's a big printer...
    Do I have to replace the nozzle assembly with every big order?
    Printare 3D Bucuresti

    Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. Arthur C. Clarke

  4. #4
    Staff Engineer
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    Sounds like a great reason to upgrade to the BondTech BMG-M with Mosquito hotend. This hotend is made to print at 450c+ and the metal the hotend is made of doesn't soften even when it gets up and over 550c. This extruder assembly should have no problems with heat even over time and nozzle changes can happen with just one hand. I mean I have a Titan Aero with an E3D v6 block & sock & 0.4mm nozzle and I had it printing for 5 days non stop without issue for a stress test after final assembly. I would simply NOT tolerate having no answer for my electronics burning down. I mean unknowns like that are what start fires at random times and resetting the hazard with a camera is a great way to watch a fire burn but if you could do something to prevent it from happening again, wouldn't that be sweet? But how do you do that if you don't even know why it burned, right?

  5. #5
    Super Moderator curious aardvark's Avatar
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    I was actually thinking of the stepper drivers and chipset on the board overheating.

    Never actually seen the innards of a wasp delta - seen the machines, but not taken one apart.

    But as far as I rmemnber all the electronics are housed in the base and it's sealed, so with really long prints the heat will build.
    Unless I'm thinking of a different make - but there aren;t that many companies making really big deltas - so I've probably got the right ones :-)

    a 10 day print !
    What are you making !?

    Okay this is the printer in question:

    So probably not heat build up - there should be ample room in the base for proper heat dissipation.
    That is one big beast !

    Reminds me - I've got about about 90% of the bits for a 350x1000mm delta in various places in my workshop. Really need to find the time and inclination to finish building it :-)

    OR - work out how big a corexy I could make using the same 30x30 extrusion. Hmmmm......

    Anyway i Digress.
    With a printer like that the manufacturers really should give you decent support. Cheap it ain't.
    Last edited by curious aardvark; 09-15-2020 at 04:23 PM.

  6. #6
    3DPrintBoardPro Member car3less's Avatar
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    I don't see the decent support... We are still waiting for their reply. They've gone silent.

    We paid about 18 000 with different things added on it. It was bought with European funds, not our own money because we wouldn't afford.
    But even so... if I had the money again, I would really search for something else. Not a good investment, considering their lack of desire to help WITH SOMETHING THEY BUILT.

    It is our third problem and they did not solved even the 2 previous ones.
    Printare 3D Bucuresti

    Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. Arthur C. Clarke

  7. #7
    Super Moderator curious aardvark's Avatar
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    damn, well that sucks !
    In which case I would be inclined to go the autowiz route and do a complete tear down of the machine and decide which bits to keep and which bits to replace.
    The actual firmware should not be a huge problem - at the end of the day it's just a delta.
    Sures it's big - but as long as you put the correct meacurements in the configuration file - it should be fine.

    Do you know what mother board it is using ?

    Wish I was closer - to play with something that size I'd probably do it for cost :-)

  8. #8
    3DPrintBoardPro Member car3less's Avatar
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    We've received the motor and the nozzle assembly. For free. Which was very nice. Now we will install and see what will happen. I will ask my colleague to check the mother board.
    Printare 3D Bucuresti

    Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. Arthur C. Clarke

  9. #9
    Super Moderator curious aardvark's Avatar
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    Hmm, that's probably the least they could have done considering.
    But - better than nothing :-)

    Good luck !

    Got any pictures of things you've actually made with this beast ?

  10. #10
    Staff Engineer
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    So then they sent you the whole extruder? I am lost on the level of damage your printer took. When you say 'overheating' did you mean things melted? And is the new assembly of a redesign or is there anything different on it to give you the idea this will not happen on the next large print? And do you have any pictures of your 'overheated' extruder assembly to share with with the group? It's just to see something fail and put it back together the exact same way is a capitol waste of the most important resource our lives will ever know. Time. Did we find out why or do something to change the outcome we will get moving forward? And what on earth were the 2 previous failures of such an expensive machine?
    Last edited by AutoWiz; 09-26-2020 at 06:07 PM.

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