Yes, I'm an Englishman to the core I've not been outside England for 50 years, when I was about 9 our family went on a touring holiday across, France, Belgium, Holland and Germany. I remember going to Ostende but not much else from Belgium, although there was a massive Casino on the sea front, whether it's still there or not I can't say.

Theres an old saying in England and I'm sure you have heard something similar in Belgium, 'If it isn't broken then don't fix it' basically it means leave it alone if it's working ok, which would apply to your J Head. I would probably be happy with mine for the foreseeable future if it hadn't given up the ghost.

Is the Prusa mk2 you mentioned the one on Geekshop ? it also looks a nice hot end, but perhaps a bit dearer than the E3D. Having said that tney're both very nice, thank you for giving me the links to them, I will definitely be upgrading.