Quote Originally Posted by curious aardvark View Post
well depending on how youy want to do it.
make a solid tetrahedron, with recessed panes, then print 4 coloured triangles and glue them in.

The base tetrehedron colour would be the colour of the bottom face.
Otherwise you have some fairly dodgy bridging - although it does depend how large the 'dice' are.

I'm shocked you'd wimp out on something like the dice :-)
Me! Wimp out! Wash your mouth out with soap!

I'm tempted by your idea of gluing 'biscuits' into the sides but that feels a bit like a cop-out. I can use the now well tried business of laying multiple layers to create a solid coloured die but, because the tips would be maybe ten layers deep, that's pushing twenty gcode files. Currently I'm working on the stick dice just to get a playable game up and running. Possibly #2 will have the tetrahedral dice but the difficulty involved with handling that shape will still be there. As they say here in Portugal, vamos ver.

The playing counters are coming along nicely. The white ones are no trouble at all but the current black ones will need a white infill to get round the translucency of my white filament. I'm toying with the idea of ordering one of those packs of filament samples for 3d pens just to get a whole range of colours to try out. A typical colour layer needs just 10 cm of filament off a i kg reel and having loads of colours may be fun anyway. The snag, of course, is that I have to order from Amazon, (very few 3d printer suppliers out here in the sticks), and Amazon takes over a month to deliver 'non-essential' supplies. Maybe this project will have to go on the back-burner for a while.

But I'll press on with the stick dice and post sample stl files as they get developed. There's a tiny adjustment needed to the interlock on the right-hand set I linked to. Nothing major but I'd like to get a good fit there before moving on to the box that will eventually form the base of the board.

Anyway, having loads of fun here. I'll be back with more news if/when the project progresses.

