Oh yes. I got parts! Well, not all parts. Like I am still waiting for an SKR pro 1.1 mainboard, a BTT 002 mainboard, 5 tmc2209 stepper drivers, a tft35 v3.0, and a MK3S clone magnetic steel heat bed assembly. I have been waiting for these items since March, now. I ordered these items directly from Biqu.Equipment and hopefully one day they will arrive. But for now the Diamond hotend has arrived. It comes with the nozzle, 3 V6 heatsinks, 3 v6 ptfe lined heatbreaks, a 6x20mm heater cartridge that is too tall for the 15mm deep hole it goes in a thermistor and a thermal blanket. I am printing the mount and fan duct and stuff for it out of PETG. I also received the 3 Micro Swiss all metal v6 heatbreaks. IMHO ptfe does not belong inside of heatbreaks. But that is just my opinion. So here is the two heatbreaks side by side. What came with the Diamond hotend and the all metal Micro Swiss parts.. Tonight I am ordering the correct size heater cartridge. 6x15mm. And also a genuine E3D thermistor cartridge.