I have been working on this printer a little and have made some progress on this rework. I have made a new mount for the Y motor, printed 2 of them, and installed 2 Y motors. So now Printalicious will have 2 Z and 2 Y motors. It will only be missing the second X motor to match my Black Widow's most recent rework. The 2 motors together adds a lot of torque but also precision because the carriage is always being pulled from the shorter side of the belt no matter the direction it travels.. I have installed a SKR Pro 1.1 mainboard along with 2 external mosfets. The one on the left with the big heatsink is for the heated bed and the one on the right with the smaller heatsink is for the extruder. This will help the whole mainboard run cooler on long prints and also it is also a setup for me to maybe switch back to that big diamond hotend.. I hunted down all new stepper motor harnesses and all the right connectors and even got all the wires color coded correctly. I do NOT build rat's nests.. I just wish my clone MK3S magnetic spring steel heated bed assembly, TMC2209 drivers, and tft35 v3.0 would hurry up and get here already. I still have to draw up and print a whole front plate for this printer to house that touchscreen and also the buck LM2596 step down converter that is driving the noctua 12v fan and also the smaller 12v lights..