Quote Originally Posted by Grazuncle View Post
It is frustrating when this happens and as i have found out you can end up altering too many things at once and you don't always then know what is helping or hindering your efforts.

have you printed something that you have done previously successfully with the old filament and again with the new one.. it may be difficult to know if this is a problem with a new design and or filament without recreating a previous success... Same setting of course.
The most significant change I had to do was increase temperature, I printed at 210 degrees with the raise3d premium, with the primacreator pro when I printed at 210 degrees the extruder had problems pushing the filament through and a bunch of debree from the filament was created. it even started jamming mid print so I had to quit and restart. so I gradually increased to 235 degrees, now it prints normally, but large flat prints become ugly, small prints like mounts and chain links for the ender 3 cablechain become totallt fine, and they are even less brittle than with my old filament, I guess that part is totally dependent on temperature.

sigh, I guess it's just a bunch of trial and error.
could not get rid of the wavy ugliness, and yes, I even had that with the old filament