can you just take some images of the settings ?

What speeds are you printing at ?
pet-g hates speed. anything over 40mm/s is really too fast.

And yes - different makes of filament will be quite different, also different colours and petg seems to be a lot more variable than most materials.

I guess the rule of thumb is that if you find a make of pet-g that works well for you - stick to it :-)

In the past when I've used pet-g I've found that the two most critical things are print speed - really slow. And print temperature, just totally variable from one manufacturer to another.
I've seen people claiming that petg prints best at 225 on their machines, right up to people claiming 245 or even 250c works best for them.

Until manufacturers are dorced to disclose their p[articular recipes for filaments - the best you can do is use a service like and buy a bunch of samples from different manufacturers and then stick with the one you can make work.