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    Student 686 Shooter's Avatar
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    Creality CR-6 SE on Kickstarter

    I am just curious if anyone else has backed the new CR-6 SE on Kickstrter?I have been considering a second printer for a while now and after much thought I decided to go with the CR-6 SE for a number of reasons, It seems to be a lot of printer for the price. You can back it and get one for for $319 US right now. I paid $20 more to get it a month earlier. It has a lot of features that I like over say the Ender 3. Dual Z screws, automatic bed leveling with a force sensitive resistance sensor, glass ultra-base style print surface, and touch screen (I personally do not like the click wheel. Plus I don't think I've ever seen the 3D Printing Nerd as excited as he was unboxing and setting up this printer. Lol. And the prints that Naomi Wu showed coming from this printer were pretty darn good. (I know she's sponsored by Creality, but they still looked good.)So I decided to roll the dice and do it. What say you? Have you? Would you?

  2. #2
    Nope, did a crowdfunded ice maker.. took 2 years and I now have 3 of them in different levels of functionality, they kept breaking after 2 months and they company just kept sending me new/used ones, since they could not send them back to china to be fixed.. I will never buy something I have to pay for to develop. Once they have developed it and produced it and itis GA then I will pay for the R&D by buying it. Really not into lending my money interest free to a well established company that should have the funds to do it's own RD.. Good luck!

  3. #3
    Student 686 Shooter's Avatar
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    This is my first crowd funding endeavor. I don't think I'd have the nerve to back something from an unknown, but I thought Creality should be safe (I hope). I found it really strange that an established company would crowd fund like this, I'm not sure what their logic was. Maybe they thought it would be a good way to drum up some buzz about the new printer? Who knows.

  4. #4
    BTW the icemaker company was GE...

  5. #5
    Super Moderator curious aardvark's Avatar
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    why do established companies do kickstarters ?

    Really simple - money.

    People think they are getting a 'bargain' by backing an early kickstarter.

    The company get's a large injection of cash that they are NOT LEGALLY REQUIRED TO GIVE BACK. Not ever, not never ever. There is absolutely no legal obligation for creality to send a kickstarter backer, anything, ever.

    So from their point of view they get a lot of money with no attached strings, or obligation to ever payback.
    If they had needed - which they don't - to take out abank loan that would need to be pauid back and it would accrue interest.

    So if a large, established company can get it's curtomers to GIVE them money, with zero attached legal obligations - why wouldn't they ?
    It's free money.
    If you buy a printer from a supplier in the usual way - then that comes with some kind of attached legal guarentee.
    There are NO legalities or guarentees attached to kickstarter campaigns.

    In essence you are giving someone money and they have 'said' they will give you goods. But at no point is what they 'said' legally binding.

    So that's why big companies LOVE kickstarter.
    Free money - what's not to like.

    As for the 'new' printer.
    Basically this printer is using an old trick occasionally used on delta effectors as the levelling sensor. It's been around for a few years, but is not used very often - so there are clearly issues with it.

    Woohoo - they've put the second z screw back - you now have 1/3rd of a prusa design :-)
    So that's an improvement.

    Naomi did a review, was sort of impressed - but creality are one of her biggest sponsors. And I've never heard her be nasty about anything :-)

    But yeah it's better than an ender 3 - but then so's almost every other printer on the planet, so ......

  6. #6
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    Aardvark, I see your point about free money. If you can get it, why not? But after my experience with Creality and the numerous experiences of people I know, I just ignore your comments on the printers themselves. In my short time on this forum I have found that you are just plain bitter about Creality and will state anything you can to discredit them. Whether based on fact or not. Although I am certain that in your mind it is all fact. My guess is you had a Creality printer at one time and broke it. Since it was something you did, neither the manufacturer nor the vendor would offer any kind of warranty. Thus you blame the company

    This may come as a shock to you but Prusa is not the be all, end all of printers, though in your mind it clearly is. I know that Creality printers are not the worlds best. But they are no where near what you have convinced yourself they are.

    I respectively ask that in the future, even though you are a moderator, only comment on my posts if you have something useful to add. If you are just going to use it to bash Creality again, please refrain from posting. Everyone on this forum, I am certain, is aware of your opinion. And while you are rightfully allowed to have it, there is no reason for you to reiterate it again. Thank you

  7. #7
    If you are new to 3D printing, DO NOT BUY AN EDNER 3 it is junk! You are not saving money, you are shooting yourself in the foot for no reason other than you watch too much Youtube and believe very useless paid for reviews. But ignore us and do what you want, you will be back asking how to fix it..
    BTW I don't own a Prusa I own a Makergear M2. I don't promote it because it is a $2000 USA manufactured machine that weight 26 pounds and has no bells and whistles, not even an LCD, that is optional. But it is never broken, has had no upgrades and works every time I use it, with 100% repeatable accuracy. I print ABS, PETG, Nylon, TPU and every once in a while PLA. I never have adhesion issue, missing layers or any of the many other issues found on this forum, almost 100% of them Ender owners. You get what you pay for.. or in the case of this Kick-starter advertisement thread.. you have no idea if you will get anything for what you paid! We are not bitter we are trying to help people make good choices.
    Good luck with your investment in the kickstart hope it works out for you!

  8. #8
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    Thanks airscapes I hope it works out as well.

    I don't own an Ender 3, and never have. Although I know several people who do and seem to like them. The printer I backed on Kickstarter is the CR-6 SE. I currently own a CR-10S Pro V2. I love it. It worked right out of the box and gives me excellent prints, every time. I print both PLA and PETG right now but plan on working with others. The only thing I did was put on a Micro-swiss hot end to avoid getting the PTFE tube up to 245 - 250 degrees. I had an Anycubic Mega S also but I got rid of it. I really wish I hadn,t as it was a great little printer. And had I not, I wouldn't be looking for another machine now.

    I fully understand that the Ender 3 is not a great machine. But to say that all Creality machines are garbage is just plain untrue. I would love to have a printer like yours, but it is simply not in my budget. This is just a hobby for me. But for many other people this is just a hobby as well. And when someone is wanting to get into it without breaking the bank, telling them that all Creality machines are garbage is doing them a disservice. There are many Creality machines that will print extremely well out of the box.

    Take care.

  9. #9
    Super Moderator curious aardvark's Avatar
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    I have found that you are just plain bitter about Creality and will state anything you can to discredit them.
    Nope not bitter in any way shape or form.

    I have no personal bias against creality.
    What I DO have is SIX years of having to try and help people out who have bought their products.

    JUST on this forum alone problems with creality products and the ender series in particular outnumber problems with ALL OTHER PRINTERS AND MANUFACTURERS, by a margin so large if they went out of business tomorrow - no one else would ever catch up -= ever.

    It's called 'experience'.
    I really HATE telling people they've bought junk and yes that's why they are tearing their hair out and are having problems.

    At no point have you - obviously - read WHY creality products have so many problems. Or you would realise, I'm not bashing anyone.
    If you take a sound mechanical design and remove THREE os the critical parts, you are making a sub-standard product, deliberately.

    In my professional life I have the same problem with Dell.

    I have been building, fixing and trouble shooting computers since the pc was invented - over 30 years.
    And hands down Dell make the cheapest built junk on the planet - only apple come close to same level of cheapness on their hardware.
    But there are MILLIONS of dell computers around. So an awful lot of people have a positive experience.
    An awful lot of other people don't.
    But only a long term it professional who's had to fix and condemn more dells than any other brand out there - knows this.

    You're young, you have veru little experience and strong opinions that - despite all the clearly available evidence - creality are good people and make great machines.n
    They are not, they don't. Those are the facts. Not opinions.

  10. #10
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    I have no opinion of the people at Creality as I don't know them personally. I do know of the company though. And have seen with my own eyes, and from many printers other than my own, that many models of their printers produce great prints. I have always agreed that there are better machines out there. We will have to agree to disagree.

    Thanks for calling me young though. At 53 I don't get that very often. The very little experience is quite the assumption. But again, thanks for the young part.

    Take care

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