I've seen some impatience round here, but I think you win the gold medal.

You expected to tinker, but not with the slicer - the single most important part of the whole 3d printing process ?
You tried a single slicer, didn't bother finding out how to use it and then gave up.

Hopefully you'll get on better with cura :-)

As I'm 100% certain there's nothing actually wrong with your printer - where did you list it for sale ?
some of our member would probably be interested.

And yeah, sending stuff back to banggood and aliexpress and smiliar chinese retailers is not an option.
That's one reason stuff is so cheap.

Helluva of price jump to an ultimaker.
But hopefully you won't have any problems :-)

Let us know how you get on - don't think we've had anyone buy a new model ultimaker round here for quite a while.