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  1. #1

    TurboCad 15 viable for 3D printing or go to new software ?

    Hi people , i am new to 3D printing after 25 years of old school manufacturing.I have TurboCad 15 , can i easily convert CAD files from this into .stl 3D printing files in high resolution or am i better to start again with Sketchup or similar so i get full functionality ?and on that subject , what is the favoured 3D drawing software this month ?My work will be all small machine parts from various plastics thankyou

  2. #2
    Super Moderator curious aardvark's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    if the cad package you use makes solid shapes and stl - stick with it.
    sketchup is not a good chice as it uses faces and just isn't great at solid shapes.

    fusion 360 (free version) seems to the be current cad of choice.

  3. #3
    Staff Engineer Roberts_Clif's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2017
    Washington State, USA
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    I learned the basics of Fusion 360 in less than a day and then started building my Hictop controller case.

    New Case Layout.jpg Blue Case.jpg

    As I got stuck I simply went to YouTube and learned how to do the next step until I had the case modeled.
    I know that this is not normally the way this should be done but for a sweet program like Fusion 360 Free for hobbyists, it was worth all the trouble. Now that I have the basics down, thought I would go thru all the tutorials and hone in my skills.

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