Oh Happy Day. So I am pretty sure i have hurt one of my 2 SKR 1.4 Turbo mainboards. In The Geeetech i3 pro b I now call 'Old Blue' I have mistakenly connected the part cooling fan reverse polarity. And as I was printing and the fan didn't come on I decided to let the print continue. The fan got warm without the blade ever turning and I smelled something electrical burning but the print was coming out good, so I let it go. Now I have connected a new fan and wired it right but the fan port is now constantly providing 24v power. So when the new BTT 002 mainboard arrives for 'Big Red' instead of that SKR 1.4 Turbo mainboard going into Printalicious it will now go to Old Blue so that board can go in the trash. I am actually happy for this development because it means that I need to source a board for Printalicious. The SKR 1.3 and 1.4 boards use a cortex m3 LCP1768 chip that runs at 100mhz and the 1.4 Turbo uses an LCP 1769 chip that runs at 120mhz. In contrast the BTT 002 board I have coming for Big Red has a cortex m4 STM32F407VGT6 cpu that runs at 168mhz. To help facilitate my dream of rebuilding the 3 color mixing printer I have ordered this mainboard for Printalicious: https://www.biqu.equipment/collectio...-control-board