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Thread: BCN3D Sigma R19

  1. #1

    BCN3D Sigma R19

    Hi there,i have a problem with my printer.Its a bit strange:When iam printing my white Filament (2,85mm Innofill BASF PLA) i have no problems to print it.But when iam printing the same PLA just with another color my nozzle starts clogging. I hear a sound like a "Knock" its the sound of the gears when they hopping over the filament.I have the Sigma R19 BCN3D.I also have printed PP GF 30 Filament with no problem like this.In other forums they say its maybe a dirty nozzle or the space between the hotbed and the nozzle is to small.But none of them is possible because with other FIlament everthing is fine.I ordered several diffrent colors and just white is working fine.... and i have absolutley no clue why.I hope someone can help me.Sorry for my bad English.Ps.: Is there anyone with a Sigma printer around here ?Thanks Max
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  2. #2
    Staff Engineer
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    It is not unusual to have to use a different temperature when using a different color. Consider to raise the nozzle temperature five degrees to see if there is an improvement. If not, increase another five degrees. If necessary, you may have to go even higher, but my Sigma does have different temps from color to color.

  3. #3
    Super Moderator curious aardvark's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    yep that's perfectly normal.
    different colours invariably need different temps.

    It's one reason that the most used colours are: black, white, red and grey/silver - those are the ones that cause the least hassle.
    Well in my experience anyway :-)

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