More info. If you switch to this mobo when you compile the firmware the instructions have you bring of the configuration.h and configuration_adv.h from the Marlin-2.0.x\config\examples\BigTreeTech\SKR Mini E3 1.2 folder and put them in the Marlin-2.0.x\Marlin folder and then edit them in the Visual Studio Code editor.

Well if you are using a bltouch you need to uncomment #define Z_SAFE_HOMING. You also need to comment out #define MESH_BED_LEVELING and uncomment #define AUTO_BED_LEVELING_BILINEAR. That will get the bed leveling working. #define GRID_MAX_POINTS_X and #define GRID_MAX_POINTS_Y are set to 5 which makes it probe 25 times which may be excessive and more time consuming but I am going to leave it at that for now. With my old motherboard it was set to 3x3. I may go to 4x4 if the extra time annoys me.